A virtual representation of student’s school bag that has been created...
iBag Office is the first application in the market to help you manage...
an eBook Platform which will help epublishers to cut their firms...
Ebtikarat Development is a pioneering Software house for developing Desktop, and mobile applications as well as knowledge portals. Our products and services are guaranteed to incorporate the latest information technology and telecommunication tools and trends to achieve our clients’ satisfaction throughout the usage of our Strong Technical knowledge of and meticulously selected expert resources. Ebtikarat Development thrives to deliver advanced E-learning systems while granting educators and students with ground-breaking standards for offline educational content on their tablets and iPads...
Discover MoreWe offer you General Mobile Applications iOS / Android with high and custom performance.
Enables you to conserve space on your file server and store content securely.
For directing documents and tasks to assigned users in the business process.
Create tailor-made Custom Solutions that change behavior & impact performance.
Integrate these various functions into one complete system to streamline processes.
The exchange between government and citizens using the Internet.